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Mohamed Ismail Shawki




Material: shovel&ink and photography

Size: 450cm x 200cm

My artistic practice in general represents an investigation of readymade objects and leaving a minimal mark on them .The objects deployed in my work are usually day-to-day items from the Egyptian culture that carry social connotations. However, I present them as valuable objects and draw attention to their usefulness.

In this piece titled ‘341080,’ I am introducing a regular looking shovel; nevertheless the wooden handle is in fact of personal importance to myself. I used that same stick for self-defense from the thugs during the Egyptian revolution. Furthermore, I marked down the dates and statistics  (in Arabic) related to a historic national project from the Egyptian history . The title of the work represents the number of laborers that died working on this project.



This projcect was shown at
2014 The 25th Youth salon. Cairo opera house. Egypt
more links
medrar TV::-25th Youth Salon - صالون الشباب الخامس والعشرون
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